Star Wars: The Last Jedi Spoiler Free Review

The next installment of the new Star Wars trilogy is finally here, and after an intense 2 year wait I was finally able to feast my eyes on the film. At a jam packed double bill midnight showing, where The Force Awakens would be played before The Last Jedi, I was surrounded by people dressed as Jedi and Sith. I was truly in the Star Wars zone. I couldn’t help but become swarmed in the hype and ultimately switch off the critical section of my brain and let my inner Star Wars fanboy-ism take over. So with that being said, I had an absolute blast watching The Last Jedi.

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The newest Space Opera is far from perfect, it has many problems both tonally and plot wise. Some story arcs feel relatively out of place and it feels as though some characters that you really care about are ordered to take a back seat. There are also elements in the film that are blatantly designed to sell toys, but not anywhere near as bad as the stupid Ewoks. However, with this being said, not once was I pulled from my immersion into the Star Wars universe. The film is still relatively solid with good action and CGI and progresses the story of the new trilogy in a satisfactory way. All in all if you simply switch off and have a good time, you will enjoy The Last Jedi thoroughly. If you decide to be critical – which there is nothing wrong with – you will find yourself having less fun with the film. Personally, I’ll choose to switch off, which ultimately comes down to the fact that I can’t resist enjoying some Star Wars, it just makes me too happy.






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